
Affordable animation for game-dev

Are you interested in creating animations without the need of use for expensive mocap suits?

Why wear those weird stuff when you can just record animations?

Why MocApp?

Compatible with Android

Find 4 old Android 10+ phones and you are set to go!

Record fast

Our system can be deployed within 5 minutes. It will be usually the time you need to spent on ironing your mocap suit ;-) 

Platform independent

No matter if you do something in Blender, Unity or Unreal - we got you covered. Output from the system comes in FBX files.

Low cost

Right now because we are in beta, the system is for free. But fear not. Because we spent extra time on AI model optimisation it will be still low cost after we will release final product

How it works?

Create account

Create account in here

Find  phones

Find 4 Android phones. We need at least phones capable of recording HD with 30fps so something like Samsung Galaxy S9 or Redmi Note Pro 8 will be enough

Download apps

For each phone download app


We require you to calibrate cameras so we know where in space they are


Record animations


Download FBX files for future use